Don’t take it personally – learning to embrace edits

It is common for writers, both amateur and professional alike, to become emotionally attached to their work – especially when it comes time for someone else’s opinion or edits. Learning how not take these suggestions personally can be a valuable tool in improving one’s writing ability, plus it can help you as a creative to better understand what works best for your voice and writing style.

It is important to remember that, often times, critiques and corrections are made in order to make the text as effective and enjoyable as possible for the intended audience – by this logic any feedback given should not be seen as criticism of your work, but rather someone else’s opinion on how it can best serve its purpose.

Authors should try not to take any negative comments too seriously – instead use them objectively, and take the edits with grace.

3 Strategies for Accepting Edits Gracefully

Editing can be one of the most challenging aspects of writing, especially for authors who are new to the editing process. Learning how to accept edits gracefully is an essential skill for any author. Whether you’re working with a publisher, editor, or even peer feedback from a colleague, understanding how to process and incorporate edits can help ensure that your work reaches its full potential.

“Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom.” – Friedrich Schiller

Acknowledge the Effort

When authors receive difficult edits made to their manuscript, it is important to acknowledge the effort of their editor, who has likely spent a considerable amount of time and effort to improve the quality of their work.

"Editing is like pruning the rose bush you thought was so perfect and beautiful until it overgrew the garden." - Larry Enright

It’s important for authors to remember that editors play an important role in the publishing process, and their efforts should be acknowledged and appreciated whenever possible.

Let Go of Your Ego

Letting go of your ego in relation to an author’s book being edited harshly means being able to detach your sense of self-worth or identity from your work.

When an author receives harsh edits on their book, it can be challenging not to take it personally or feel defensive. The ability to let go of your ego can be beneficial in several ways:

  1. Improved writing: When an author can let go of their ego and accept criticism of their work, they can use that feedback to improve their writing. By understanding that the criticism is not a personal attack, the author can take a more objective look at their work and make necessary changes.
  2. Better collaboration: Letting go of your ego can also lead to better collaboration with editors. When an author is willing to accept feedback and make changes, it can create a more productive working relationship with the editor.
  3. More meaningful work: By letting go of their ego, authors can focus on creating work that is meaningful and valuable to readers, rather than solely trying to impress others or protect their ego.

Overall, letting go of your ego is about being open to feedback, taking it in stride, and using it to improve your work. It is a mindset shift that can lead to better writing and a more fulfilling creative process.

Embrace the Feedback Cycle and Improve Your Work

The editing process can feel overwhelming, but it is also an opportunity to improve your work. Embracing the feedback cycle means accepting edits and making changes without feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.

When authors accept criticism gracefully and make meaningful improvements in their work they are actively engaging with the creative process and taking ownership of their writing. This attitude towards editing allows authors to create more polished works that have a better chance of being successful in today’s publishing market.

By understanding how to accept edits gracefully, authors can gain a greater sense of control and agency over their writing. Through embracing the feedback cycle, becoming more aware of one’s ego, and acknowledging the effort put into editing their work, authors can become better writers and create works that bring value to readers.

Don’t take it personally – learning to embrace edits