What is a writing coach?

What is a writing coach? Should you hire one? How to hire one?

A writing coach is an experienced professional who serves as a mentor and guide dedicated to your growth and development as a writer. They help you set goals and offer strategies to overcome challenges while providing encouragement and accountability. They may provide some of the same services an editor might offer, but rather than focusing on a single project, they focus on enhancing your overall capability as a writer.

Why hire a writing coach?

Whether you should hire a writing coach is a personal choice. A writing coach can help help you become a better writer, faster. But that’s not all they do. A writing coach can:

  • Help you create a more structured writing process.
  • Provide personalized feedback and advice about your work.
  • Show you how to overcome writers block and find tools for moving forward, even when you feel stuck
  • Create greater organization with your writing goals.
  • Motivate, challenge, and encourage you to write more effectively.
  • Help you finish your manuscript
  • Teach specific techniques for improving the quality of your work quickly.

How to find a writing coach

Start by asking yourself what kind of guidance or support would benefit you most right now; this will give you an idea of which type of coach might be best suited for your project. Then research potential coaches online or through referrals from friends or colleagues. Once you’ve narrowed down the list to two or three candidates, arrange for an initial consultation with each one. Prepare in advance a list of questions about the coach’s process and experience with other clients so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you and your project needs.

Ask questions such as:

  • What are your particular areas of expertise?
  • How do you view your role as a coach?
  • What form of communication do you prefer?
  • How often would we meet?
  • How much feedback and guidance can I expect to receive?
  • What are your fees, and what do they include?

When your interviews are complete, evaluate the information gathered. Choose the coach with whom you feel most comfortable and best meets your needs—and watch your writing flourish!

What is a writing coach?