5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Self-Publish

As authors, the decision to self-publish should not be taken lightly. Before making this commitment, it is important to ask yourself a few questions that will help you decide if self-publication is right for you.

5 Questions Every Author Should Ask Themselves Before Self Publishing Their Book

Self-publishing is an increasingly popular alternative for authors these days. But it’s a big decision and you should make sure that it’s the right one for you before diving in.

1. What are my goals (as an author) for self-publishing a book?

Are you looking just to make money or get published quickly, or do you have a message that needs to be heard? It’s critical for writers who are considering self-publishing their work understand why they want to go down this route so they can focus on what matters and make sure all other elements of the process remain aligned with those goals.

Think carefully about what success means to you as a writer, both in the present and on into the future: Do you want traditional publishing or would self-publishing be perfect? Should you be looking at other options?

When deciding whether or not to self-publish, authors should first determine if they have enough resources available both financially and in terms of time to devote towards marketing their book.

2. Do I have a plan for marketing and promoting my book to ensure it is successful?

Self-publishing means that you are responsible for all aspects of promoting and marketing your book.

Self publishing requires authors be willing and able do put in considerable effort when it comes time promote their books. This means spending time and other resources on marketing, including social media campaigns, writing press releases about your book, advertising, planning book launch events, and attending conferences or networking events to spread the word of your book.

Before you publish, it’s important to have a plan in place for getting your book in front of potential readers. This might include social media marketing, book reviews, advertising, or other promotional strategies.

3. Am I prepared to handle the complicated logistics involved with publishing myself?

Self-publishing requires handling a range of logistical tasks, including formatting your manuscript for publication, designing a cover, and selecting a distribution platform.

Self publishing typically involves authors:

  • Editing and layout for the book
  • Understanding copyright laws around the world
  • Connecting with book distributors
  • Designing your cover
  • Branding for your book and yourself
  • Printing finished books
  • Marketing their book

Before you begin the self-publishing process, make sure you are prepared to handle these tasks or are willing to hire professionals to help you.

4. Do I have sufficient knowledge of the publishing process and all its complexities?

Authors must research the different routes available to them such as digital self-publishing, print on demand services or POD publishers as well as decide whether they should use distributors, agents or publicists.

Self-publishing is not a simple process. Authors should have an in-depth understanding of the entire publishing process and its associated complexities before attempting to self publish a book. This includes being up-to-date on copyright laws, royalties, formatting requirements, and more. A lack of knowledge could cost authors time or money due to mistakes that could easily be avoided with research or advice from those who are familiar with the publishing industry.

Interesting Read: Myths of United States Book Copyright Laws

5. Am I willing to invest the time required to self-publish successfully?

Self-publishing can be time consuming.

Not only will authors have to invest time into writing their book, they also need to factor in the necessary edits and revisions that come with it. Furthermore, authors should budget in plenty of additional time for research when determining which format and platforms are best suited for their project.

However long you’re thinking this project will take, double it. Maybe triple that estimate it if you’re not digitally inclined of already a content creator comfortable with publishing tools.

Self-publishing requires an incredible amount of work. Make sure you are prepared to commit the necessary time and effort if you decide to self publish.

Self Publishing vs Hybrid Publishing: Which is Right for You?

One of the most difficult decisions for an author considering self-publishing their work is knowing if it’s the right decision. It’s important to weigh your options and make sure that you understand all aspects involved.

Before you make a decision, do your research and weigh the pros and cons. Make sure to ask yourself these fundamental questions, as they are key in determining if self-publishing is right for you. Although self-publishing can be a rewarding experience, it may also require more time, investment and know how than other routes that authors should consider first before deciding to go down the path of full control over their book’s publishing process.

At Indigo River Publishing, we’re the leading modern hybrid publisher. We’ve opened up a world of possibilities for authors and writers who are ready to take control of their publishing journey—all while still getting the support they need from a traditional publisher.

Authors who feel they are up for those challenges may find self-publishing right for them; however others may prefer hybrid publishing which offers many of the same benefits without as much risk or responsibility. Consider all your options before you commit to any particular route so you can ensure that you have chosen what’s best for your book’s success!

Related Resources:

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Self-Publish