BOOK MARKETING 101 – Build Your Author Network & Secure Early Book Reviews

Building your author network is a crucial step in pre-launch marketing!

One of the most valuable assets you as an author can have when preparing for your book launch is a strong network of fellow authors, industry experts, and book enthusiasts. Doing this well before your book’s release date can provide loads of support, opportunities, and resources during this stage in your launch.

Why does your author network matter?

  • Writing and publishing a book can be a roller coaster ride. Having a tight knit network of writers who understand the process you’re in can provide encouragement and support during this stage of your author career.
  • Experienced individuals in your network can offer helpful advice during this stage in your book’s process. Other authors in your network can help you understand the ins and outs of working with editors or navigating the marketing sphere.
  • Credible cross-promotion can occur within your network! Not only does this give you credibility, it can help expand your network.
  • As you build valuable relationships and expand your network, opportunities that can help propel and advance your career as an author open.

How to build your author network:

  • Attend writing conferences or workshops. These events are amazing sources of information for authors and bring those in similar positions close together. You can find endless amounts of information and develop great friendships by being in the writing sphere.
  • Engaging on social media platforms can help you make connections that may not have happened in person. Collaborating with these professionals in different industries can build up your knowledge and confidence as a writer, while also expanding your reach to potential readers.
  • The most important part of building your network is offering support to others. Networking is a two way street, and you have support and knowledge to give to those who may need it. This can lead to lasting relationships with many in your network.

Building a network takes time, dedication, and effort. But the benefits are well worth it all! Preparing for your book launch does not have to be a solitary activity, and you’ll find that having a community to back you up makes the process more manageable, enjoyable, and successful!


This is one of the most effective pre-launch marketing strategies for an author. A compelling blurb makes all the difference when it comes to promotion. They are short endorsements from other authors, industry experts, or even book influencers and can boost your book’s appeal to future readers.

Why blurbs matter:

  • Endorsements from respected or well known names in your sphere or genre can lend authority to your work.
  • A well written or intriguing blurb on your book can pique a reader’s interest and encourage them to follow you and your launch.
  • Positive endorsements can sway undecided readers toward purchasing your book. Strong blurbs may be able to catch the eye of librarians, bookstore buyers, or influencers, which can lead to increased opportunities for visibility!

How to secure book blurbs?

  • Leverage your author network.
  • Leverage social media.
  • Attend industry events to network and pitch your book.
  • Craft a compelling pitch to request a blurb. When reaching out, clearly explain why their endorsement specifically would be valuable and how you both align on interests, industry, or genre.

Tips for successful blurb/review requests:

Make it easy!

When requesting your blurb or review, making the process straightforward for the person will make a world of difference.

Provide them clear and concise information about your book.

  • The synopsis of the plot, themes, and genre.
  • Specify who the book is intended for. Knowing your target audience can be helpful for the reviewer.
  • If there are specific aspects you would like them to focus on, include that information in order for them to understand what you are looking for.
  • Mention to them if there are any formatting preferences for their blurb such as word count or style.
  • Clearly state the deadline for getting back to you to avoid miscommunication or too many back and forth emails.

Be professional

Approaching your request with professionalism sets you apart and shows you respect the recipient’s time and expertise.

  • Addressing them by name and mentioning why you are reaching out to them specifically. Referencing previous reviews or works shows you pay attention and value their opinions.
  • Keep your language courteous and thoughtful. Ths can make a significant difference on how your message is received.
  • If you are sending them an email, use a clear subject line to get their attention. An example could look like this: “Request for Blurb for [Book Title]”

Follow up with everyone

Following up shows your commitment and quality communication, which can encourage your recipients to treat your request with priority.

  • After about a week or two, send out your gentle reminder follow-up. This gives them time to respond while keeping your request top of mind.
  • Within your follow-up, highlight that you understand their busy schedule and reinforce your appreciation for their time and consideration.
  • Keep track of who you contact, if they’ve responded to your request, and any deadlines you have. This will help with time management and ensure you do not look over anyone.

Express appreciation and gratitude

Expressing your appreciation, regardless of if those you have reached out to provides a blurb, is good practice.

  • Send out thank-you emails or messages to everyone who responds, even if they decline. Always thank them for their time and consideration.
  • If you do receive a review or blurb, consider thanking them with a message on social media or your author website. Public acknowledgement shows your gratitude and can help promote their work to your audience.
  • Relationships are give and take. Consider offering to support their work in return if they are fellow authors who may need blurbs in the future. This can help strengthen your author network.

Use them effectively

Strategically placed blurbs can help draw in your target audience. Where should they be used?

  • Some covers (go check your personal library!) have blurbs from authors who write in the same genre or are known names in your industry.
  • Sharing blurbs and reviews on your social media or author website are great to build rapport with your readers to encourage them to place their order for your book. Consider using fun graphics to be visually appealing.
  • Using your blurbs and reviews in your marketing materials can further excite your audience. These can be placed in your press releases, email newsletters, or any other material you will be using for marketing purposes.
  • If you are preparing launch events, using some of your blurbs or reviews for these events can help to excite your audience.

As you continue on your journey as an author, building your network and getting impactful reviews and blurbs are important tasks to complete as you prepare for your book launch.

Your network is more than a rolodex of people, it is your small community to provide you support and encouragement. Being involved in the industry as a writer with a network at your side can help you grow, expand, and forge meaningful connections to benefit your career for years to come.

Your book blurbs enhance your book’s credibility! Taking these seriously and approaching all with appreciation can increase your chances of receiving valuable feedback to boost your book.

Remember to take the time to have fun and nurture your budding career!

BOOK MARKETING 101 – Build Your Author Network & Secure Early Book Reviews