Book Publishing Guide

3 Myths of Book Copyright Law in the US

3 Myths of Book Copyright Law in the US

Copyright law protects original works of authorship including books, music, artwork and photographs from unauthorized use or copying by others in the US and abroad. It is important to understand book copyright law in order to protect your work and make informed decisions. In this article, we will debunk 3 common myths about book copyright law in the US.

Rules are Made to be Broken

Rules are Made to be Broken

In my sophomore year of college, in a mandatory grammarclass, students would often ask the professor, “Well what about [example ofsomething that very obviously broke whatever grammar rule we’d justdiscussed].” Her answer was always, “Once you know the rule, you can...

The Proper Format – Tips and Tricks

The Proper Format – Tips and Tricks

By Jordan Thames   Congratulations! You’ve done what many people have tried and failed to do: written a book! Now comes the next step- submitting to a publisher. Submitting your first manuscript to a publisher is an exciting, albeit nerve wracking, experience. In...

How to Write An Exceptional Query Letter

How to Write An Exceptional Query Letter

Submitting a manuscript to a book publisher usually requires the inclusion of a synopsis and a query letter, a.k.a. cover letter. While writing a summary is pretty straightforward, a query letter can be slightly trickier. Don’t underestimate its importance!  Before...

How to Write a Query Letter

How to Write a Query Letter

By Editorial Intern, Anjali Ajmani Writing a query letter can be scary if you’re not familiar with what goes in one. You want the agent or publisher to pick up your story with gusto. You’ve finished your book, and you feel great about it. You’re ready for the next...

Stumbling Upon Greatness…

Occasionally, in our lives, we are fortunate enough to stumble upon greatness. The problem is, I don’t think we always recognize greatness during our initial encounter. Maybe we get too wrapped up in our own problems, our own visions or our own lives. Maybe we’d...

The Book World – One in a Million?

The Book World – One in a Million?

I always tell my authors that having a clear vision established is essential for meaningful writing. In my last post, I mentioned the three questions that must be asked to help clarify this vision: 1. Who is reading it? 2. Why are they reading it? 3. How will they...

Identity Crisis! (Publishing in the Digital Age)

Who am I? Hmmm… This is a question that has plagued me for years. I have literally traveled the world in search of answers. I mean, I’m pretty sure I exist (at least according to Descartes basic standards). In social settings it seems like my existence is defined by...