Guide for Writers

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Self-Publish

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Self-Publish

Self-publishing is a big decision that authors should think carefully about before taking the plunge. Take the time to ask yourself a few key questions and make sure you have the resources and knowledge needed before committing to a self-publishing project. Consider all your options, including traditional publishing and hybrid publishing, so that you can make the decision that’s best for your book.

Guide to Hosting a Virtual Book Launch in 2023

Guide to Hosting a Virtual Book Launch in 2023

Authors are now turning to virtual book launches as an alternative way to promote their work. In this article, we’ll be breaking down what exactly a virtual book launch is and how you can make yours stand out with 14 amazing ideas. Keep reading if you want to learn all about hosting a successful virtual book launch in 2023!

Don’t take it personally – learning to embrace edits

Don’t take it personally – learning to embrace edits

Learning how to accept edits gracefully is an essential skill for any author. Acknowledging the effort of the editor, letting go of your ego as an author, and embracing the feedback cycle can help authors take ownership of their writing and create more polished works that bring value to readers.

What is a writing coach?

What is a writing coach?

Confused about how to hire a writing coach? Learn more about what they do and top tips for finding the right one. Get personalized feedback and advice on your work, become organized with your writing goals, overcome writer’s block & finish manuscripts faster!

Tips for Finishing Your Manuscript

Tips for Finishing Your Manuscript

If you have an unfinished manuscript, here’s our best advice for finishing your project and preparing to submit your manuscript. Our tips will help any author trying to finish their work before submitting it.

10 Methods to Knock Writer’s Block

10 Methods to Knock Writer’s Block

By Kallie Hatfield Writing anything from a short story to a magazine article or a book can be notoriously difficult. At times, you’ll feel truly motivated to write. Ideas flow smoothly from your fingertips and inspiration feels endless. But then, when you least expect...

How to Outline Your Novel

How to Outline Your Novel

Outlining a novel is different from outlining any other document. If you try to completely outline a novel from the opening scene to the closing scene, you will most likely discover that you constantly change your mind during the process of writing. Changing your mind...

If you’re feeling creative…

If you’re feeling creative…

By Jordan Thames   If you’re feeling creative...embrace it. It sounds easy, I know, but it can be difficult if you’re anything like me. I hold tightly, too tightly, onto the reins of control. As a writer, I love a good play on words, but when it comes time for me...

Writing for Genre

Writing for Genre

By: Jordan Ardoin   If you want to be a writer, you probably have an idea of the kind of stories you want to tell. While you are creating those stories, you should let them flow freely from your imagination without trying to force them neatly into a category....

Grammar Pet Peeves Part 2

Grammar Pet Peeves Part 2

By Jordan Ardoin Part 2 of the Grammar Pet Peeves series – Review Grammar Pet Peeves Part 1 This small series of blog posts is to help you get your book published. By going back and proofreading your work before submitting it, you are able to turn in a nice, polished...

How to Work Through Writer’s Block

How to Work Through Writer’s Block

The dreaded writer’s block. The bane of every writer’s existence. Once it hits, it seems like an inescapable mind prison, void of any creative genius...blank.   Don’t panic! I know right now it may feel like you will never have another great idea, or that you’ll...

How to Write in One Simple, Easy Step

How to Write in One Simple, Easy Step

By Jordan Ardoin   So you want to write a book and publish a book. Or an essay. Or a poem. Or an instructional guide on raising emus. Whatever kind of writer you are (or want to be), at some point you’ve probably asked the One, the penultimate Question: how do I...

Grammar Pet Peeves, Part 1

Grammar Pet Peeves, Part 1

Good grammar is an essential part of communication in any language. It’s also a tool for conveying respect and understanding of our audience. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to achieving perfection when it comes to grammar, here are some tips that will help...

What Makes a Good Story, Post 2

What Makes a Good Story or Lessons I Learned the Hard Way A Blog Series by Faith Green   Post #2: Avoid Cliché (read last post) Okay, okay, I know. If you’ve ever taken an English class in your life, then this post seems cliché. Isn’t it ironic? Oops, I did it...

What Makes a Good Story

What Makes a Good Story

What Makes a Good Story (Lessons I Learned the Hard Way) A Blog Series by Faith Green   Post #1: Write Without Evasion   “Are you going to write about me?” my boyfriend of one year asks, looking down at me with his brown-green eyes.   “Uh….” My own eyes...

Character Building

Character Building

By Justynn Newman   You have created a wonderful, detailed, and dynamic setting for your book to get place. Now you are on the right track. You conquered procrastination and you have your setting, and maybe even some of your plot.   The next step is to...

Comma Advice

Comma Advice

By Hope Hall   Commas are complicated. They come with too many rules and just as many exceptions to those rules. Even if you want to break the rules, you have to know them to break them. And once you know them, you can recognize when following or breaking the...

Creative Inspiration: Where does it come from?

Creative Inspiration: Where does it come from?

By Editorial Intern, Anjali Ajmani Being a writer, I can say most of my creativity surfaces from my own experiences. If I’m writing a short story that features a dog, the dog is probably going to look like one of my dogs: blonde with floppy ears and a curly tail. If...

How to Get Book Reviews

How to Get Book Reviews

By Editorial Intern, Anjali Ajmani My experience in publishing has been in self-publishing thus far. I never looked into how to get book reviews before; as a result, my poetry anthologies remain on Amazon utterly review-less. That’s okay, I tell myself. It’s poetry,...

Why You Should Never Throw Away Your Old Writing

Why You Should Never Throw Away Your Old Writing

By: Editing Intern Zoe Andrews Don’t worry, fellow writers. I understand. We all do. Some passages that spill onto the page feel too terrible to share. Usually, this feeling arises most prominently when reviewing older writing, perhaps from when you were a wee lad or...

7 Ways to Crush Your Writer’s Block

7 Ways to Crush Your Writer’s Block

By: Editorial Intern, Anjali Ajmani   We all know that writer’s block is frustrating. Picture it: you’ve written several chapters that you feel great about until one morning you hit a door. You felt like you knew where you were going, that you knew where your...

What Makes a Book Great?

There are two questions that I get asked all the time that seem to be a set up for disappointment:   1. What makes a book great?   2. What are your favorite books?   I always get the feeling that I am expected to give some sort of profound answer to the...